Check out some real kool ways to improve your personality. No complex jargon, but just a language as plain and simple that it serves its purpose Happy reading :)))))))
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Warren Buffett's 10 ways to get RICH
2. Be Willing To Be Different: Don't base your decisions upon what everyone is saying or doing. When Warren Buffett began managing money in 1956 with $100,000 cobbled together from a handful of investors, he was dubbed an oddball. He worked in Omaha, not Wall Street, and he refused to tell his parents where he was putting their money. People predicted that he'd fail, but when he closed his partnership 14 years later, it was worth more than $100 million. Instead of following the crowd, he looked for undervalued investments and ended up vastly beating the market average every single year. To Warren Buffett, the average is just that -- what everybody else is doing. to be above average, you need to measure yourself by what he calls the Inner Scorecard, judging yourself by your own standards and not the world's.
3. Never Suck Your Thumb: Gather in advance any information you need to make a decision, and ask a friend or relative to make sure that you stick to a deadline. Warren Buffett prides himself on swiftly making up his mind and acting on it. He calls any unnecessary sitting and thinking "thumb sucking." When people offer him a business or an investment, he says, "I won't talk unless they bring me a price." He gives them an answer on the spot.
4. Spell Out The Deal Before You Start: Your bargaining leverage is always greatest before you begin a job -- that's when you have something to offer that the other party wants. Warren Buffett learned this lesson the hard way as a kid, when his grandfather Ernest hired him and a friend to dig out the family grocery store after a blizzard. The boys spent five hours shoveling until they could barely straighten their frozen hands. Afterward, his grandfather gave the pair less than 90 cents to split. Warren Buffett was horrified that he performed such backbreaking work only to earn pennies an hour. Always nail down the specifics of a deal in advance -- even with your friends and relatives.
5. Watch Small Expenses: Warren Buffett invests in businesses run by managers who obsess over the tiniest costs. He one acquired a company whose owner counted the sheets in rolls of 500-sheet toilet paper to see if he was being cheated (he was). He also admired a friend who painted only on the side of his office building that faced the road. Exercising vigilance over every expense can make your profits -- and your paycheck -- go much further.
6. Limit What You Borrow: Living on credit cards and loans won't make you rich. Warren Buffett has never borrowed a significant amount -- not to invest, not for a mortgage. He has gotten many heart-rendering letters from people who thought their borrowing was manageable but became overwhelmed by debt. His advice: Negotiate with creditors to pay what you can. Then, when you're debt-free, work on saving some money that you can use to invest.
7. Be Persistent: With tenacity and ingenuity, you can win against a more established competitor. Warren Buffett acquired the Nebraska Furniture Mart in 1983 because he liked the way its founder, Rose Blumkin, did business. A Russian immigrant, she built the mart from a pawnshop into the largest furniture store in North America. Her strategy was to undersell the big shots, and she was a merciless negotiator. To Warren Buffett, Rose embodied the unwavering courage that makes a winner out of an underdog.
8. Know When To Quit: Once, when Warren Buffett was a teen, he went to the racetrack. He bet on a race and lost. To recoup his funds, he bet on another race. He lost again, leaving him with close to nothing. He felt sick -- he had squandered nearly a week's earnings. Warren Buffett never repeated that mistake. Know when to walk away from a loss, and don't let anxiety fool you into trying again.
9. Assess The Risk: In 1995, the employer of Warren Buffett's son, Howie, was accused by the FBI of price-fixing. Warren Buffett advised Howie to imagine the worst-and-bast-case scenarios if he stayed with the company. His son quickly realized that the risks of staying far outweighed any potential gains, and he quit the next day. Asking yourself "and then what?" can help you see all of the possible consequences when you're struggling to make a decision -- and can guide you to the smartest choice.
10. Know What Success Really Means: Despite his wealth, Warren Buffett does not measure success by dollars. In 2006, he pledged to give away almost his entire fortune to charities, primarily the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He's adamant about not funding monuments to himself -- no Warren Buffett buildings or halls. "I know people who have a lot of money," he says, "and they get testimonial dinners and hospital wings named after them. But the truth is that nobody in the world loves them. When you get to my age, you'll measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you. That's the ultimate test of how you've lived your life."
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
10 best movie quotes on advertisements
The movies have not been very kind to advertisements, portraying them as manipulative devices that flaunt and fuel our consumer-centric society. Here are the best ten film quotes about advertising that you don't want to fast forward through.
“You know what the sadder version is? The people who commercialize fear. You know, they scare you to death so they can sell you something you don’t need.”You Can’t Take It With You (1938) – Alice Sycamore (Jean Arthur)
“Miss Stellwagon says advertising makes people who can't afford it buy things they don't want with money they haven't got.”
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) – Joan Blandings (Sharyn Moffett)
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (1948) – Joan Blandings (Sharyn Moffett)
“In the world of advertising, there's no such thing as a lie. There's only expedient exaggeration.”
North By Northwest (1959) – Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant)
“As we speak, consumers everywhere need reminding of just how fat and unattractive they are.”
Roger Dodger (2002) – Roger (Campbell Scott)
“And what are children after all, but consumer trainees?”
Child’s Play 3 (1991) – Mr. Sullivan (Peter Haskell)
“People want to back a winner. They need to feel a part of something bigger than they are. They used to advertise the quality of a product - tastes great, whitens your teeth, shaves close, rides like a dream. Now what do they push - America's number one soft drink, best-selling mid-sized utility vehicle. It isn't ‘buy the product’. It's ‘join the club’. You make people feel part of a winner, they'll follow you anywhere.”
Silver City (2004) – Wes Benteen (Kris Kristofferson)
“Corporations don't advertise products particularly - they're advertising a way of life, a way of thinking, a story of who we are as people and how we got here and what's the source of our so-called liberty and so-called freedom.”
The Corporation (2003) – Richard Grossman (himself)
“I know what I'm talking about, all right. I know you better than you know yourself. I can see right into you because I made you. I dressed you. You reek of every billboard, every magazine cover, every commercial I put out over the last two years. You're a perfect demographic fit. You know, mid-teen, male, upper-middle income, bored, hip-hop listening, underage drinking, pathologically masturbating little consumer.”
Treed Murray (2001) – Murray (David Hewlett)
“I love it when you talk like a beer commercial.”
All of Me (1984) – Terry Hoskins (Victoria Tennant)
All of Me (1984) – Terry Hoskins (Victoria Tennant)
“Brad, for 14 years I've been a whore for the advertising industry. The only way I could save myself now is if I start firebombing.”
American Beauty (1999) – Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey)
American Beauty (1999) – Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey)
10 ways to make money online
So you want to ditch your corporate cubicle and join the ranks of web workers? But you have a mortgage, maybe a dependent or two, and a taste for Venti Mochas from Starbucks? You canmake money in the new economy, though it might not be as easy or cushy as keeping your old economy job.
I’m not talking about advertising or affiliate marketing or selling your junk on eBay. Those are so last millennium! I’m talking about the new new economy.
1. Offer your professional expertise in an online marketplace.These days, you can do more than just sell your old books via Amazon and your old Coach handbags via eBay—now you can sell your professional capabilities in a marketplace. No longer are you limited to looking for a permanent or contract job on Web 1.0 style job sites like Monster or CareerBuilder. The new breed of freelancing and project-oriented sites let companies needing help describe their projects. Then freelancers and small businesses offer bids or ideas or proposals from which those buyers can choose.
Elance covers everything from programming and writing to consulting and design, whileRentACoder focuses on software, natch. If you’re a graphic designer, check out options likeDesign Outpost or LogoWorks–you don’t have to find the customers, they’ll come to you. Wannabe industry analysts might sign up for TechDirt’s Insight Community, a marketplace for ideas about technology marketing.
3. Blog for pay. Despite the explosion of blogs, it’s hard to find good writers who can turn around a solidly-written post on an interesting topic quickly. GigaOM is always looking for bloggers with great content ideas and solid writing skills. How do you get noticed? Comment and link to blogging network sites. Write blog posts that are polished and not overly personal (although showing some personality is a plus).
4. Or start your own blog network. If you like the business side of things–selling advertising, hiring and managing employees, attracting investors–and have the stomach to go up against the likes of Weblogs, Inc., GigaOmniMedia, b5media, maybe you should make an entire business out of blogs. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’ll get a lot of time to write yourself though.
5. Provide service and support for open source software. Just because the software is free doesn’t mean you can’t make money on it–just ask Red Hat, a well-known distributor of Linux that sports a market cap of more than four billion dollars. As a solo web worker, you might not want to jump in and compete with big companies offering Linux support, but how about offering support for web content management systems like WordPress or Drupal? After getting comfortable with your own installation, you can pretty easily jump into helping other people set them up and configure them.
6. Online life coaching. Who has time to go meet a personal coach at an office? And don’t the new generation of web workers need to be met by their coaches in the same way that they work: via email, IM, and VoIP? You could, of course, go through some life coaching certification program, but on the web, reputation is more important than credentials. I bet Tony Robbins isn’t certified as a life coach–and no one can argue with his success. For an example of someone building up their profile and business online as a coach, check out Pamela Slim of Ganas Consulting and the Escape from Cubicle Nation blog.
7. Virtually assist other web workers. Freelancers and small businesses desperately need help running their businesses, but they’re not about to hire a secretary to come sit in the family room and answer phone calls. As a virtual assistant, you might do anything from making travel reservations to handling expense reimbursements to paying bills to arranging for a dog sitter. And you do it all from your own home office, interacting with your clients online and by phone. You can make $20 and up an hour doing this sort of work, depending on your expertise.
8. Build services atop Amazon Web Services. Elastic computing on AWS is so cool… and so incredibly primitive right now. Did you know that you can’t even count on your virtual hard drive on EC2 to store your data permanently? That’s why people are making money right now by offering services on top of AWS. Make it easier for people to use Amazon’s scalability web infrastructure like Enomaly has with elastic live, a scalable web hosting platform built on AWS.
9. Write reviews for pay or perks. If you blog for any length of time on a particular topic–parenting, mobile phones, or PCs, for example–you will likely be approached to do book or product reviews. You can get free stuff this way, but are you selling your soul? Is there any such thing as a free laptop? These are decisions you’ll have to make for yourself, because no one agrees upon what ethical rules apply to bloggers. Even less do people agree on services like PayPerPost that pay you to write reviews on your blog. Check out disclosure rules closely and see whether such a gig would meet your own personal standards or not.
10. Become a virtual gold farmer. A half million Chinese now earn income byacquiring and selling World of Warcraft gold to gamers in other countries. If you’re not a young person living in China, this probably isn’t a viable option for you. But what’s intriguing about it is the opportunity to make real money working in a virtual economy. People are making real-world money in Second Life too.
Monday, February 14, 2011
10 best foods for kids
10 Best Foods for Kids: Ages 1 to 3
1. Milk If your child is under 2, he or she should drink whole milk; full-fat dairy promotes growth and development in babies and toddlers. Kids over 2 should be drinking low-fat milk: it's packed with Vitamin D and calcium, for good skin and strong bones.
2. Whole Grains
Whole-wheat breads and cereals contain whole grains and fiber, which are good for the heart and digestive system.
There will probably come a point--or several points--in your life when your kids are begging for processed snacks like Oreos or Hostess cupcakes. Sometimes it's just impossible to deny them a treat. If you must buy these snacks, buy the pre-packaged 100-calorie packs: this way you can control the portion size, fat and sugar content. You can also buy healthier cookies such as Fig Newtons and make mini-portions yourself.
10 Best Foods for Kids: Ages 4 to 6
If fresh blueberries are not in season, pick up a bag of frozen blueberries. Because freezing can affect some nutrients in fruit, the frozen kind are not quite as good as fresh berries, but they still have plenty of health benefits. They contain fiber and antioxidants.
5. Pomegranates
Pomegranates are fun to eat and filled with nutrients. Younger kids might choke on the arils, or seeds, of the pomegranate, however: give them pomegranate juice instead. While giving your kids juice generally isn't the best way for them to get their daily servings of fruit, you can make an exception for this antioxidant-rich juice.
Make burgers or bolognese sauce with extra-lean ground beef rather than the full-fat kind. Beef is a great source of protein.
10 Best Foods for Kids: Ages 7 to 10
This is a good source of lean protein. If you're going to bread it, bake it in the oven rather than pan-frying it with oil: baking will keep the fat content low.
8. Lentils
Packed with protein, these little legumes give kids caloric bang for the buck. One cup of cooked lentils contains around 230 calories and hardly any fat or cholesterol. Lentils are high in potassium, fiber and iron as well as protein.
9. Spinach
Dark leafy greens, if you can get your kid to eat them, are incredibly nutritious. Spinach has lots of Vitamin A and potassium, and is completely fat-free. Try adding raw spinach to a salad, or sneaking cooked spinach into some lentil soup.
10. Pumpkin
This low-calorie squash has plenty of Vitamin A and fiber, and can be made into a sweet, healthy mash with just a little butter and brown sugar. You can also steam it and put chunks of it on top of brown rice.
10 worst foods for kids
10 Worst Foods for Kids: Ages 1 to 3
These greasy treats taste great, but have little nutritional value and are very high in fat. Make your kids baked potatoes instead.
2. Soda
A 12-oz. serving of soda can contain 10 tsp. of sugar, which isn't good for your kids' waistlines or their teeth. Even if your kids drink diet soda, they're still ingesting large amounts of chemical sweeteners: have them drink milk or water instead.
3. Hot Dogs
Hot dogs are high in fat and sodium, and not as high in protein as non-processed meats like chicken or beef. Small children can choke on hot dogs. If you must feed your kids hot dogs, try turkey or veggie dogs, and cut them into very small pieces for your little ones.
10 Worst Foods for Kids: Ages 4 to 6
Check the label carefully before giving your child fruit juice: some store-bought drinks contain only a very small percentage of juice. The rest of the drink is sugar or other sweeteners and water. It's better to give kids whole fruit instead.
5. Bagels
The average bagel has 200 to 400 calories and a lot of sodium. While it does contain a fair amount of protein and iron, it's a calorically dense way to get those nutrients: a kid would be better off getting his protein and iron from eating meat. Whole-grain bread has more fiber and less calories per serving.
6. Fruit Leather
This supposedly healthy treat often contains sweeteners, and doesn't have much fiber or many vitamins. Again, it's better to give kids whole fruit.
10 Worst Foods for Kids: Ages 7 to 10
7. Chips
8. Sugared Cereal
The extra sugar in cereals like Frosted Flakes can add up to weight gain and tooth decay. It's best to stick with whole-grain cereals like Kashi and Raisin Bran.
9. Fried Chicken
Breading or battering chicken adds extra empty calories, and frying adds extra fat. Chicken nugget dipping sauces can also contain a lot of sodium. Serve your kids grilled or baked skinless chicken breast instead.
10. Doughnuts
These are dense little calorie bombs. They're low in nutritional value and high in fat, sugar and salt. The fats in a doughnut are the worst kind: they're saturated and trans fats, which can contribute to heart disease. One small doughnut can equal 200 to 300 calories.
10 ways to gain weight
Gaining weight has a stigma of being unhealthy. However, for body builders or people with a high metabolism, skinny genes or active lifestyles, gaining weight could actually improve their health. The idea is that the weight is gained through nutritious sources that do not negatively impact overall health. Results will vary person to person, but increasing your calorie intake is a good first step to gaining weight.

Eating smaller meals more often is not only healthier for your digestive system, but it can help in weight gain. Eat four to six full meals a day. To gain weight faster, eat until you're full. If the meals are not filling after a while, increase the portion size. This just means the stomach has expanded.
Take Weight Gain Supplements
Weight gain supplements are a part of most body builders' regimen. Professional body builders can not physically consume the amount of food needed to support the amount of energy they need. Weight gainers can be found at health food and nutrition stores. They are loaded with weight gaining vitamins and minerals. Using a weight gain solution can add up to an extra 4,000 calories a day, which may be more than the body can process. All this means is that the extra calories will not be assimilated by the body and they will be processed as waste. It is not dangerous or unhealthy.
Eat The Right Foods
Certain foods are so low in calories, they'll burn off entirely too quickly for people looking to gain weight. Foods like lettuce and celery are good for dieters looking to lose weight not gain weight. Hearty food, dairy products, meats, pasta and root vegetables (potatoes) are more likely to increase weight.
Work Out
Working out may seem counter productive to gaining weight but this depends on the exercises done. Muscle weighs more than fat, so develop a strength building workout schedule. Low repetitions of heavier weight is a good formula to follow for weight gain.
Load Up On Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the best types of food products to consume for weight gain. Pasta, whole grain bread, pastries, rice, juices, potatoes, beans, corn and broccoli are all great for loading up on carb, which are essential for weight gain.
Load Up On Protein
Protein is very important especially for building muscle. High-protein foods, such as dairy, eggs, fish, meats, flax, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes all are loaded with protein. People who work out regularly must load up on protein. Consider protein supplements, such as shakes, in addition to weight gainers.
Take Vitamins and Meal Replacements
Vitamins help the body process and assimilate foods. They help maximize the nutrition gained from meals and support the body's chemistry. At the bare minimum, multivitamins should be consumed. Meal replacements shakes are a great way to add calories and essential vitamins on the go.
Cut Out Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise is designed to help lose weight, not gain it. Avoid all heavy aerobic exercise. Consult a physician regarding cutting out all aerobic exercise as certain medical conditions, including diabetes, may require it.
Indulge More
Instead of worrying about what you eat, enjoy more foods. Have dessert, have seconds and have a drink. Alcohol, especially beer, is high in calories. Keep in mind this may not be ideal for overall health, so use judgment and moderation. Fruits and juices are rich in carb and a healthier indulgence.
Slow Down Metabolism
Metabolism regulates how quickly or slowly a body processes food. A person with a high metabolism burns more calories. Metabolism can be slowed down by eating before bedtime and cutting out green tea and other high metabolism burning foods, such as coffee.
10 ways to control anger
- " For every minute you are angry, YOU lose 60 seconds of happiness" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
- 1. Take a deep and continuous breath. Count up to 50 or imagine your aggressor just naked, only in socks. This will help you to calm and smile.
- 2. Have a walk. Look at high sky. Continue to breathe deep and easily. So you appraise the situation and calm down.
- 3. Do some physical exercises. When you are angry- your body is very tensed and tough. If you stretch your muscles it will relax your body, as you will spill out all your negative energy into action. Your brains will get more oxygen and it assists to clear your thoughts.
- 4. Write down all your thoughts. Write down that you are mad and why. Avoid being rational, logical or laconic. Write on paper all you are feeling this moment. Try to write all in details. The function of this technique is to shift all your anger out of your head on paper.
- 5. Be grateful. Find someone to thank. Do you not forget about yourself. Thank that you have woken up today, thank that that the Sun is shining for you, that the sky is blue and the grass is green.
- 6. Prayer. Ask God to be with you during this anger moment and lead you.
- 7. Meditation. Close your eyes, look into solar plexus, and be all your anger, breathing deeply.
- 8. Change of places. Move yourself on your enemy’s place. And look at situation from his point of view. Better look at the situation from the ceiling. Focus on details, especially on funny and absurd ones. Strive to forgive your enemy as well as forgive truly yourself.
- 9. Go back to your childhood memories. Recollect state when you were angry. Hug this child and say: “All is ok. I am here. You are good child. I love you and I will not leave you.”
- 10. Your values. What is the most significant thing in your life? Who are the most important people in your life? What kind of person do you want to be? Think and accept that point that you are living your life, and you are living your values. There is a good man inside you that wants to help you. I wish you good luck!

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