Thursday, April 28, 2011

10 ways to fight global warming

The debate is over. Scientists agree that planet Earth is in the middle of a warming cycle and human activities that dump CO2 into the atmosphere are helping to turn up the heat. With melting glaciers, more intense weather patterns and vanishing species, we're already starting to see the consequences of rising temperatures. How we choose to deal with the impacts of this problem is going to shape the future of all life on our planet. By taking individual action we may not be able to stop global warming, but we can certainly slow it down. Here are 10 simple things that you can do today to fight global warming.

1. Replace your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents light bulbs (CFLs). It may not sound like much, but CFLs last up to 10 times longer than regular light bulbs. Replacing just one can save 150 pounds of greenhouse gases per year.
2. Drive less. It may sound difficult, but it really isn't. Plan ahead and combine your trips. Take public transportation to work once per week, or better yet, walk or ride a bicycle if possible. Every mile you don't drive keeps one pound of CO2 out of the atmosphere, and every gallon of gas you don't use keeps 20 pounds out of the atmosphere.
3. Unplug appliances and electronic devices when you're not using them. This doesn't include your refrigerator, of course, but it does include your stove, washer and dryer, microwave, television and computers-even your toaster! Even turned off, appliances and electronic devices continue to draw electricity. In fact, as much as 18 tons of CO2 per year is used in the U.S. just to light up clocks and keep memory chips working. Keeping your appliances and electronic devices turned off and unplugged when you're not using them saves thousands of pounds of CO2 per year (and saves you money).
4. Plant a tree. Deforestation is responsible for 1/4 of the carbon emission in our environment. A single tree will absorb 1 ton of CO2 during its lifetime, while it provides food and shelter for wildlife, reduces your air conditioning bill and pumps fresh oxygen back into the atmosphere.
5. Recycle. If your community doesn't offer curbside pick up, find out where you can drop off your recyclables. Recycling just half of your household waste annually saves 2,400 pounds of CO2.
6. Use less hot water. Wash your clothes in cold water and turn down the setting on your hot water heater to save 500 pounds of CO2 per year. By installing a low-flow showerhead, you can save as mush as 350 pounds of CO2 per year.
7. Adjust your thermostat. Turning it up 2 degrees in the summer and turning it down 2 degrees in the winter will save 2,000 pounds of CO2 per year.
8. Keep your tires properly inflated. Rising prices at the pump make this one a no-brainer. Buy yourself a $3.00 tire gauge and check your tire pressure. If your tires need more air, it's free! Proper tire pressure translates into better gas mileage and you'll save 20 pounds of CO2 for every gallon of gas you don't use.
9. Buy fresh organic food from local producers. Organic soil traps and stores CO2 much more efficiently than soils on conventional farms. Fresh foods require 10 times less energy to produce than frozen foods and buying locally helps saves energy and keeps the local economy healthy.

10. Educate yourself and spread the word. See Al Gore's new movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" or check out the book by the same name. Visit to assess your carbon impact and learn about more ways to fight global warming. Let local, state and federal officials know that you're concerned about the impacts of this issue.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

10 ways to detect computer malware

Cyber-criminals are putting forth every effort to make malware difficult to detect. Successfully, I might add. Ever optimistic, I thought I would have a go at providing information on how to make their job a little tougher.
Note: This article is also available as a download, which includes both a PDF and a PowerPoint version of this information.

Baselining is an important reference

Knowing exactly what is running on a computer is paramount to learning what shouldn’t be. Creating a reference baseline is the best way I’ve found to accomplish this. Let’s look at three applications that do just that.

1: Microsoft Process Explorer (formerly Sysinternals)

"Process Explorer" provides an excellent way to determine what processes are running on a computer. It also describes the function of each process.
More important, you can use Process Explorer to create a baseline of the running processes used by the computer when it’s operating correctly. If for some reason the computer starts behaving poorly, run Process Explorer again and compare the scans. Any differences will be good places to start looking for malware.

2: Trend Micro’s HiJackThis

"HiJackThis" is Process Explorer on steroids, making the application somewhat daunting to those of us not completely familiar with operating systems. Still, running HiJackThis before having malware problems creates a great reference baseline, making it easy to spot changes.
If it’s too late to run a baseline scan, do not fear. Several Web sites offer online applications that will automatically analyze the log file from HiJackThis, pointing out possible conflicts. Two that I use Security and If you would rather have trained experts help, I would recommend’sHiJackThis forum.

3: Kaspersky’s GetSystemInfo

Kaspersky has an application similar to HiJackThis called "GetSystemInfo"I like the fact that Kaspersky has an online parser. Just upload the log file and the parser will point out any disparities.
GetSystemInfo, like the other scanners, is a good way to keep track of what’s on the computer, and if need be, it can help find any malware that happens to sneak in.
Be careful: As I alluded to earlier, removing processes suggested by the scanners is not for the faint of heart. It requires in-depth knowledge of operating systems or being able to compare before and after scans.
Next, I’d like to discuss two vulnerability scanners.

It’s simple: No vulnerabilities, no malware

Anti-malware includes any program that combats malware, whether it’s real-time protection or detection and removal of existing malware. Vulnerability scanners proactively detect vulnerabilities so that malware can’t gain a foothold. I’d rather update applications than chase malware any day.

4: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a vulnerability scanner that detects insecure configuration settings and checks all installed Microsoft products for missing security updates. I recommend using MBSA when upper management needs convincing. Making a case for needing a vulnerability scanner is sometimes easier if the product is from the OEM.

5: Secunia inspection scanners

Secunia’s scanners are similar to MBSA when it comes to Microsoft products. But unlike MBSA, Secunia products also scan hundreds of third-party applications, which gives Secunia a distinct advantage.
All the Secunia scanners, online and client-side, have an intuitive way of determining what is wrong and how to rectify it. They usually offer a link to the application’s Web page, where the update can be downloaded.

Not always simple

Remember when I said, “It’s simple: No vulnerabilities, no malware”? Well, it’s not exactly that easy. It would be, except for those nasty things called zero-day exploits and zero-day viruses. That’s where antivirus applications come into play, especially if they use heuristics.

6: Antivirus programs

Lately, antivirus software is getting little respect. Like everyone, I get frustrated when my antivirus program misses malcode that other scanners mange to find. Still, I would not run a computer without antivirus. It’s too risky. I subscribe to the layered approach when it comes to security.
Choosing the correct antivirus application is personal. Comments come fast and furious when someone asks TechRepublic members which one is the best. A majority feel that any of the free versions are fine for nonbusiness use. I use Avast or Comodo on Windows machines.

Anti-malware enforcers

The next class of anti-malware is capable of both detecting and removing malware. I’m sure you are wondering why not just use these from the start. I wish it was that simple.
Scanners use signature files and heuristics to detect malware. Malware developers know all about each and can morph their code, which then nullifies signature files and confuses heuristics. That’s why malware scanners aren’t the cure-all answer. Maybe someday.
More caution: I want to emphasize that you need to be careful when picking malware scanners. The bad guys like to disguise malware (antivirus 2009) as a malware scanner, claiming it will solve all your problems. All four of the scanners I have chosen are recommended by experts.

7: Microsoft’s Malicious Software Removal Tool

Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) is a good general malware removal tool, simply because Microsoft should know whether the scanned code is theirs or not. Three things I like about MSRT are:
  • The scan and removal process is automated.
  • Windows Update keeps the signature file database current automatically.
  • It has the advantage of being an OEM product, thus it’s less intrusive and more likely to be accepted by management.

8: SUPERAntiSpyware

SUPERAntiSpyware is another general purpose scanner that does a good job of detecting and removing most malware. I have used it on several occasions and found it to be more than adequate.
A number of TechRepublic members have mentioned to me that SUPERAntiSpyware was the only scanner they found capable of completely removing antivirus 2009 (malware).

9: Malwarebyte’s Anti-Malware

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) malware scanner was the most successful of the four I tested. I was first introduced to it by world-renowned malware expert Dr. Jose Nazario of Arbor Networks. For a detailed explanation of how MBAM works, refer to my post Malware scanners: MBAM is best of breed.
Still, MBAM does not catch everything. As I pointed out in the MBAM article, it misses some of the more sophisticated malware, especially rootkits. When that happens, I turn to the next malware scanner.

10: GMER

In Rootkits: Is removing them even possible?, I explained why it’s hard to find rootkit malware. Fortunately, GMER is one of the best when it comes to detecting and removing rootkits — enough so that it’s recommended by Dr. Nazario.

Final thoughts

Using the above anti-malware techniques will go a long way in making it tough for malware developers, especially if you:
  • Make sure all software on your computer is up to date.
  • Run a baseline scan and save the log file. (You may need it later.)
  • Scan for malware on a regular basis, since sophisticated malware runs quietly.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

10 ways to save fuel

We all know India is facing a severe fuel crisis. In view of this, the PCRA (Petroleum Conservation Research Association) is encouraging fuel conservation with the help of advertisements.

In the following points, I have considered all transport vehicles as cars for generalization. So, here I go with my 10 tips for saving fuel:

  1. Visit a petrol pump only if your car has little or no fuel. I don't find any reason of buying fuel if your car already has sufficient fuel. This method shall directly or indirectly save valuable fuel of the respective petrol pump. You can bypass this advice in emergencies. 
  2. Turn off your car in slow traffic and at traffic signals. It is estimated that you can save about 20% of fuel in this process.
  3. Minimize the use of brakes. The more frequently you apply brakes, the more fuel you spend. You can avoid braking by maintaining a constant speed of your vehicle.
  4. Encourage car pooling. This is a very effective way of saving fuel as well as reducing traffic on the roads.
  5. If possible, use electric-powered cars.
  6. Always insist on buying cars having an excellent mileage.
  7. Don't be a fan of Michael Schumacher! Drive at a constant speed. The faster you drive, the faster your fuel vanishes. Tests on Indian cars prove that you can get upto 40% extra mileage at 45-55 km/hr. as against 80 km/hr.
  8. Use public transport systems as much as possible.
  9. Place your right hand on your heart and say the following - "I solemnly swear that I will conserve fuel as much as possible and try to use it economically. I shall dedicate my mind, body, heart and soul for the conservation of fuel."
  10. Spread awareness for fuel conservation amongst your friends and relatives.